Dan and his students polled Muncie citizens to gauge their opinions on healthcare. A representative sample of these respondents then participated in a deliberative assembly featuring a wide range of healthcare experts. The experts presented information to help participants reach consensus on health care issues, and then assembly participants were re-surveyed to measure the impact of debate and deliberation on public opinion. The seminar also produced a documentary film entitled "37" examining the major issues of healthcare for broadcast on public television. Dan's community partners included WIPB-TV and By the People of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions.
Dan Reagan, Associate Professor of Political Science
CLASS MEMBERS: (L-R), Front Row: Josh Cox, Laura Donaldson, Alexander Beeman; Second Row: Michelle Sahlhoff, Kristen Cameron, Eric Butler; Third Row: Jordan Riker, Rob Kranc, Zach Ruble, Rachel Marshall, Samantha Sallee, Michael Ballenger, James Raymond, Professor Dan Reagan, Derek Sheridan.