Under the name "inSite Productions" Michael's interdisciplinary team designed, planned and created "Explore Theatre: A Backstage Pass" for high school students and college undergraduates. The DVD learning tool features original videos demonstrating theatrical techniques and concepts as a companion to Allyn & Bacon's The Enjoyment of Theatre. Michael's community sponsor was Muncie Civic Theatre.

Dr. Michael M. O'Hara teaches theatre history, script analysis, and Introduction to Theatre, writes, directs, and acts for theatre and film, and was named the Outstanding Junior Faculty at BSU in 2002.Visit Michael's website.
CLASS MEMBERS: (Bottom) Marsha Gill, Jamie Marshall, Samantha DeTurk, Mollie-Beth Leibecke-Pustelnik, Amber Costides, Ben McShane; (Middle) Brad Gunter, Joseph Toschlog, Bryan Campbell, Lynn Downey, Kim Enlow; (Top) Peter Sahaidachny, Kevin Cobb, Michael O'Hara, David Mitsch, James Jordan, Dustin Collins