Grades/Levels: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Subjects: Visual Arts, Humanities, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics
Time: 1 to 1.5 hours
Learning Objectives:
Students should be able to make connections between objects in the BSU Museum of Art collection and their classroom learning. Consider using Visual Thinking Strategies as an enjoyable, eye-opening way to reinforce classroom learning.
Specific objectives may be written to match your lesson goals.
Materials- Map of museum
- Classroom Materials
- Art In Sight Homepage
- Methods for Discussing Art
- Art Exploration
- Vocabulary
Important Steps:
- Plan your visit.
Plan Activities
Offer a variety of activities for your students to choose from, such as:
- What the Writer Sees
- Creative, critical, analytical writing activities
- What the Hand Sees
- Sketch from a work of art
- Pair and Share
- Have students work in pairs to compare objects, noting similarities and differences.
- Critics Corner
- Divide class into two groups and hold a debate. Groups should defend different perspectives based on visual evidence.
- What the Writer Sees
If you prefer, select a themed docent tour for students to attend before activity.
If you wish to lead your own tour of the museum, develop a tour from a theme of your own choosing, or review the Tour Topics listed on the BSU Museum of Art website. Once you have decided on the tour select objects from BSU Museum of Art.
You may also wish to call the curator of education, Tania Said, (765) 285-5242, for more information about art on display at the museum.
Incorporate discussion into your tour. Check out our page describing Methods for Discussing Art.
Assessment will be based on activities you develop and your specific learning objectives. Lessons should align with Indiana Academic Standards
The GettyBSU Museum of Art Tours